Sunday, October 5, 2008

blog 6

Do you think that a woman who has several children, all of which have been taken into state custody, who were all born drug exposed, and have long term health problems because of it, should be allowed to keep having kids? Is sterilization justifiable in this situation?

I think that this justifies sterilization. I think that if someone isn't responsible enough to care for another life inside of them, then they shouldn't be allowed to have children. My children's birth mother for example, has seven children and they were all taken away for abuse and neglect, and they were all born drug exposed. All of my children have some type of disability as a result of her drug use. One has cerebral palsy, probably caused by birth at 28 weeks because of drug use, several had ADHD, two are midly mentally handicapped, one learning disabled, one is bipolar, and one has a problem with the way his brain is wired, he doesn't make proper connection between intelligence and feelings. Why should this woman be allowed to continue to have children that she is causing life long conditions in. I love my kids, don't get me wrong, but why should she have the choice to continue to cause life altering problems in someone elses life?


Profesora said...

One major problem here is, who gets to decide? What if someone decides that you (or I) just have too many children and are contributing to the population problem?

When we give people people to alter women's bodies without their individual consent, we open the door for any number of human rights abuses.


Cori said...

I understand what you are saying, but if you care for your children, then no one should be able to tell you that you can't have more. It is the woman that continue to have kids and they always get taken away, and they alter their lives by using drugs during pregnancy.