Monday, September 29, 2008

Blog 5

This weeks readings were crazy! Who in the world would have cosmetic surgery down there? Anyone who would, must have more money then they know what to do with. I could understand having surgery down there if it was for medical reasons, but just for looks? They obviously don't have the religious values that I have. I believe that you save yourself for marriage, then you are only sexually active with your husband. They must believe that they show themselves to many people or they wouldn't go through so much trouble to be perfect.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blog 4

I found it interesting that they say that men participate in virtual worlds more than women. Is this because society has made it such an awful thing for a man to show a feminine side? I think that this probably gives men a way to be femine without the risk of being found out. They can go online and act as a woman, and no one knows who they are. Society definetely makes it more acceptable for women to act like men, then for men to act like women. This is probably why it has been found that more men swap gender on the internet than women.

Monday, September 15, 2008

posting 3

So what does everyone think about cybersex? Is this just innocent fun and a way to release frustrations? I don't think so! I would be very mad if I caught my husband having cybersex on the computer. I think that this just opens up the door for the next step in cheating. Why would anyone want to get off with someone on the computer anyways. This would tell me that there are major issues that someone is not dealing with. Sex, in any form, should be between two people, face to face, in an intimate manner. I think that cybersex is cheating just the same as if someone went out and slept with another person. When you allow someone, in any form, into your intimate sexual feelings with the intent of pleasure, you are having sex.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Chapter 2

Do you think that we make a bigger deal out of inequality and oppression then what it actually is?

I was just wondering what everyone else thought about this weeks readings? I guess after reading all of this stuff, I see where people find the inequalities and oppressions, but are they as obvious as what these articles make them seem. I don't know if I just don't get out enough or since I live in a smaller town, it just isn't seen as much. Or could it be that since I am a white woman, I just don't experience it as much. I would be interested in hearing what everyone else thinks about this. I just think that the articles that we read made things seem much worse than what I believe them to be in our time.

Friday, September 5, 2008

test entry

So, what does everyone think about Sarah Palin? She is getting so much talk about her pregnant daughter. I don't agree with sex outside of marriage, but it happens. She cannot control her 17 year olds decisions. However, what in the heck is she thinking by saying that her daughter will be marrying the father. She is seventeen!!! Just because she got pregnant, don't let her make another decision that she may not be mature enough to make yet. I got married when I was 19 and I thought that I was ready, and in some sense I was, but there were a lot of things that I didn't realize also. And that was after high school and two years of college, she hasn't even come into the real world beyond high school yet. I know that Sarah Palin is trying to look good and thinks that it would be best for her daughter, or her image, to marry the man that she has commited sin with, but I think that she better make sure she knows what she is doing.