Tuesday, November 25, 2008

blog 13

The article that we read, Fear of Feminism, was a real eye opener to me. It made me realize why women don't want to have a part in feminism. It has nothing to do with standing up for being a women. It has everything to do with politics. Many women are afraid to step out and speak out. They are afraid of what others might say and afraid of the backlash. They are afraid that it might be a turn off to men. But, in the end if they don't take a stand, then they are only hurting themselves and future generations of women. I think that the author of this article wanted to try to challenge us to make a difference by stating that in order to be a feminist, you must be bold, smart, courageous, sensitive, complex, you must know who you are and where you are going, and you must have a sense of humor. Well, what women doesn't want to think that they are or could achieve all of these things? I think that this was put at the end of the article to try to provoke this kind of thinking.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

chapter 12

I don't believe that I have ever been excluded from anything in my current church because I am female. However in my past church, women were not supposed to be preachers. Since this was not my calling, it didn't affect me, but I did see a lot of women that had potential not able to use it. There were several very knowledgable women that I could have learned a lot from, but they were not allowed to preach. We did have a women that taught on Wednesday nights, but she wasn't allowed hold a preaching position. I think that this is just crazy. If God has put a calling up on your life, then you must do it, regardless of sex.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Post 11

I want to discuss the question that I asked the class. I asked them what they thought of a conversation that I overheard last week. One of the men was refering to the public assistance programs when he said "just get rid of it, they will either get a job or die." I understand his frustration when talking about public assistance and those that abuse it, however there are some that have to have it. I also think that something needs to be done to change the abuse going on within the system, however I don't think that we need to just get rid of it. If we would however make people accountable for what they receive, I think that we would see less abuse going on. These people that abuse the system and just sit at home all day would probably not want the programs if they had to work for it. They should be required to go to school or do community service. I realize that the disabled can not do community service, but the able bodied people should. The people that are already working and just not making enough should also be exempt from this, if they are working at least 20 hours a week.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Chapter 10

This chapter is definitely a heavy reader. There is a lot of information that is heart wrenching. One thing that seems that it will be a big topic, is rape. Is it really considered rape when you have sex while intoxicated? Yes, you are not in your right mind to say yes, but who's fault is it that you are not in your right mind? I think that if you say "no", then it is rape. However, if you have sex with someone and then say it was rape because you were drunk and couldn't make the right choice, it should not be considered rape. You choose to be in that state of mind, then you face the consequences. If you were drinking and driving, and killed someone, they are not going to say that it wasn't your fault because you were not in the right state of mind. They are going to through you in jail and say that you shouldn't be driving after drinking. Same thing with sex, if you can't make the right choice about having sex while drunk, then don't get drunk.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Chapter 9

I think that the media has a negative affect on the way that our young girls see sexuality. In one of our readings, it talked about the fact that Girl Gone wild is for the young girls now. How sick that our society thinks that this is okay. I would have a fit if I knew that my 16 year old daughter was participating in something like this. I know that 16 year olds are curious, but what happened to "show me yours and I'll show you mine." Now it's just "I'll show everyone everything, no holding back." And it is a billion dollar industry. I know that they say everyone on Girls Gone Wild is over age, but come on, do they really check every ones ID in the middle of the girls lifting up their shirts.